All Souls

Reflection for All Saints Day and All Souls Day – 2009

This year the Solemnity of All Saints we celebrate on Sunday liturgy. Today we honor all those who have died and are now in heaven. Tomorrow, on All Souls’ Day, we will pray for those who have died and are not in full communion with Our Father in heaven. During the month of November we will pray every Sunday for those who died from our families, parishioners, and friends and for all who needs our prayers.

For most of us, there is a question: what does it mean to be a saint. It is a good question because often we think only of the extraordinary saints who have been proclaimed saints by the Church. We do not know how many people who left this world are saints. Remember God loves us and invites each one of us to be a saint. All we have to do is try to be faithful to God’s will in our lives. Each of us has his or her own way to holiness because God created each one of us as a special gift of divine love. Our part is to find out this individual gift of God’s love in our life. Again, the only way to do this is to try to be faithful and loving.

The first reading, for today’s All Saints Day Liturgy tells us about the uncountable numbers of saints. “These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.” God chooses us and we must respond: salvation comes from our God! He invites us to share His life. Jesus dies for us and His blood, his love for us, washes us clean if we will only accept Him.

Saint John in his letter tells us that we are God’s children now. We don’t know how it will be in Heavenly Kingdom, but we will be so much more than we are now. We will be like Him. We will be pure just as He is pure.

The Gospel gives us the beatitudes. These are ways of following the Lord. God is telling us that the road to heaven is doing His will. Let me repeat what we heard in the Gospel:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.”

This is our program, our way to be with our Heavenly Father in Haven, to be saints. This is the way which Saints choose in their life.

May the saints in heaven intercede for us today that we may walk in their paths and choose to follow our Lord.

Reflection for All Saints Day and All Souls Day – 2009 Read More »

All Saints Day and All Souls Day service at the Polish Cemetery in Commack, Long Island, NY

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All Saints Day is an ancient holiday celebrated by members of the Catholic Church to commemorate the saints. Also, the day after All Saints Day, All Souls Day, is set aside so that we might pray for the souls who have yet to find their way to Heaven. These two holidays are of great importance to the faithful; moreover to Poles. In Poland many people visit the graves of loved ones on these days so to pray for their repose and to place candles and flowers on their graves. The special candles, which can burn for many hours, are placed there so that departed souls can find their way through the darkness. Cemeteries are lit by many hundreds of these candles and at night the cemeteries can often be seen glowing from long distances.

Considering this rich and meaningful Polish tradition, as well as our obligation to pray for the faithful departed, you are cordially invited to come and join us in our celebrating of All Saints Day at the Polish Cemetery located at 99 Old Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725, Long Island on Sunday, November 1st, 2009 at 12 noon.

Keeping all of you in our prayers

Holy Cross Parish – Very Rev. WiesÅ‚aw Pietruszka
Commack, NY; # (631) 543-1674

Saint Francis Parish – Rev. Andrzej Koterba
East Meadow, NY; # (516) 794-5189

Parish of Resurrection – Rev. Jozef Kolek
Brooklyn, NY; # (718) 389-3674

All Saints Day and All Souls Day service at the Polish Cemetery in Commack, Long Island, NY Read More »

DzieÅ„ Wszystkich ÅšwiÄ™tych – Polski Cmentarz w Commack, Long Island, NY

Drodzy braci i siostry w Chrystusie,

Data pierwszego listopada jest bardzo znacząca w życiu każdego katolika i Polaka. Jako wierni jesteśmy zachęceni, aby w tym dniu dziękować Bogu za niezliczone rzesze wiernych zmarłych, którzy poprzez swoje życie oddane Kościołowi i Bogu osiągnęli pełnię świętości. Jednocześnie Dzień Wszystkich Świętych i Dzień Zaduszny jest dla nas okazją, aby poprzez wspólną modlitwę, czytane wspominki, nawiedzenie cmentarza oraz ofiarę Mszy Świętej śpieszyć z pomocą tym zmarłym, którzy jeszcze nie osiągnęli chwały nieba.

W zwiÄ…zku z powyższym pragnÄ™ serdecznie zaprosić każdego z Was, wasze rodziny oraz znajomych na uroczystÄ… MszÄ™ ÅšwiÄ™tÄ… w niedziele 1 Listopada na godz. 1200 oraz procesjÄ™ po naszym polskim cmentarzu – 9 Old Commack Road, Commack, NY 11725, Long Island.

Szczęść Boże

Parafia Pw. ÅšwiÄ™tego Krzyża – ks. praÅ‚at WiesÅ‚aw Pietruszka
Commack, NY; # (631) 543-1674

Parafia pw. św. Franciszka – ks. Andrzej Koterba
East Meadow, NY; # (516) 794-5189

Parafia pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego – ks. Józef Kołek
Brooklyn, NY; # (718) 389-3674

DzieÅ„ Wszystkich ÅšwiÄ™tych – Polski Cmentarz w Commack, Long Island, NY Read More »

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