January 2010

Annual St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Dinner

St. Francis Church cordially invites you to its annual St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Fundraiser Dinner. That means …plenty o’ Irish, Italian & Polish specialties, like corn beef & cabbage, baked ziti, perogies & St. Giuseppe’s pastries!

The dinner will take place on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 3:00 pm.
Tickets: Adults: $15 00, Kids under 12: $6 00

Reservations required. Please call Carol at (516) 546-2535

Dinner at St. Francis PNC Parish, 1752 Harton Ave., East Meadow, NY

Annual St. Patrick’s and St. Joseph’s Dinner Read More »

Reflection for Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – C

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

We return today to ordinary time in our liturgy celebrations. Last Sunday we celebrated Baptism of the Lord and we renewed our baptismal vows during Holy Mass. Today is second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Gospel from Saint John for today’s Sunday is telling us about first miracle which Jesus did in the beginning of His public ministry.

For 10 anniversary of my priesthood I went to Holy Land. I went for pilgrimage with my classmates priests. We spent two weeks traveling from one to another historical place. We visited different towns, villages and places connected to the Bible. One day we spend at Cana in Galilee. We touched the place where Jesus did the first miracle during the wedding and started his public ministry. At that time I felt like new ordained priest one again. After this pilgrimage to Holy Land I understood better the Holy Bible and Jesus. Jesus changes me, my personality, my priesthood and my style of preaching.

My dear brothers and sisters the public ministry of Jesus begins, as John tells today in his Gospel, at the wedding in Cana. How this happened!

Mary notes that the wine is about to run out and she is concerned. How embarrassing it would be for this young couple to begin their lives together if they could not provide sufficient food and drink for their guests. Mary brings her concern to Jesus and water is turned into wine in abundance. The wedding reception continues and the party goes on. What a wonderful work Jesus does! Because of him the joy and happiness of the celebration continues.

In the last sentence of today’s gospel we read: “Jesus did this as the beginning of His signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed His glory, and His disciples began to believe in Him.” This sentence is central for John.

The divinity of Jesus is manifest in this sign and His glory is revealed. Seeing these great wonders, His disciples begin to believe in Him.

My Dear Sisters and Brothers,

In Cana of Galilee Jesus worked the first of His signs and throughout his public ministry He would continue to work and perform miracles. For the most part what He did was either ignored or rejected. His public ministry would culminate in the saving act of our redemption – His death and resurrection. In this Christ event He revealed His glory for all. His disciples believed even more fully that He truly was God’s Son.

Jesus continues to work His saving acts in our midst. Day in and day out Jesus is there for us. Without fanfare and in the quiet of our souls He works with us. The trick is to see these saving acts and to know of His presence so that we can believe even more fully that Jesus is the very center of our being and, then to publicly avow this.

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Reflection for Baptism of the Lord and renewal of our baptismal vows.

Baptism is the sacrament which takes away our sins, regenerates to a new life of grace, unites us with God and makes us members of Christ’s Church. Baptism is necessary for salvation because as Christ said: ”Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”

My dear brothers and sisters we celebrate today the Baptism of our Lord. St. Luke in today’s Gospel tells us about Jesus` Baptism. After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

My dear Brothers and sisters, when we celebrate this feast we remember our baptism.

Our baptism, probably for most of us, took place as infant, in the presence of parents and godparents, by water and the Holy Spirit, by a priest or maybe a deacon, who called down the Trinity as we were blessed “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Our baptism took place physically inside a church, and sacramentally in the Catholic Church; we were welcomed into the Christian community.

Our relationship with God is not simply “God and me.” Our relationship with God necessarily includes the Church which Jesus founded, and all humankind whom Jesus came to save. As we celebrate today the Baptism of our Lord let us renewed now our baptismal vows. Many years age our parents and grandparents did during our baptism.
Now let us say together:

  • I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, Who was born and suffered for us; in the Holy Spirit; the holy Catholic Church; the Communion of Saints; the forgiveness of sins; the Resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.
  • I renounce the world, with its vanities, and false maxims, which I despise because they are accursed by You.
  • I renounce the flesh, with all its temptations, and sincerely resolve to endeavor to amend my faults, to conquer my passions, and to sacrifice all that is most dear to me rather than again deliberately sully that robe which I promised to carry unstained before the judgment seat of Christ.
  • O my good God, Who did love me before I could love You, and did apply to my soul the merits, of Jesus Christ when I was unable to implore that favor, look on me with compassion, and grant me all those graces, which will enable me to keep my baptismal engagement without reproof.
  • Increase in my soul the heavenly virtues of faith, hope and charity, which I received at baptism, and teach me to make faith the rule of my conduct, that it may avail me to life everlasting; through the infinite mercies and merits of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who, with You and the Holy Spirit, live and reign, one God, world without end.
  • Priest: Almighty, eternal God, when the Spirit descended upon Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan, you revealed him as your own beloved Son. Keep us, your children born of water and the Spirit, faithful to our calling. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Reflection for Baptism of the Lord and renewal of our baptismal vows. Read More »

A beautiful gift, a lasting memory

In this season of giving, our Parish of St. Francis received a very kind and generous gift, on the Feast of the Epiphany (The Feast of the Kings).

Our need called for an outdoor Nativity to display. This Sunday we received this beautiful gift, of an eleven piece set, detailed to per­fection, three foot in height.

The Nativity was given in Memory of Å›p. +Anna Ruggiero, who was called to eternal life on Christmas Day, December 25, 2009. The Nativity was donated by Å›p. +Anna’s daughter Maria and William Piro.

We note that Anna so loved Christmas for its spiritual and family orientation. This will remain a lasting and enduring gift giving to many for years to come. Anna, we know returned to God on Christmas. She is now witnessing the greatest gift of gifts, Jesus Himself, the Son of God. In this knowledge we extend our continued thoughts and prayers.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Reflection for the Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord

During every Holy Mass we celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. Priest is asking us to look into our hearts, so those hearts can be ready to forgive others and in that way be ready for Jesus. And that what Epiphany is about. Epiphany is a celebration of change, change were it really ought to happen.

The three Kings or Wise man stayed all the time with the star of Christ. It changed their lives so they could find Jesus.

As I said so many times, we live in a world where so many Catholics instead of following their faith, they run the other way, looking for something different, something new. Had the three kings followed a different star every night? No, because otherwise they would never be able to find Christ.

And we just heard in the Gospel, that when they came to Jesus they offered him gifts: gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. There are few interpretations of the meaning of those gifts. One is that:

  1. The gold is the most precious of metals, so therefore a symbol of royalty. A symbol that the Kings acknowledged the newborn Christ as King, a title that would later appear above Christ’s head on the cross.
  2. The incense is associated with prayer and divine worship. The kings professed their faith in Christ’s divinity as Son of God, the Word made flesh.
  3. Myrrh was used to dress wounds and embalm the dead. It symbolized the humanity of Jesus. The kings prophesied that Jesus will suffer for each and everyone of us.

The second explanation goes even further. It says that the three gifts also symbolize what we should present to Christ:

  • First, the Gold signifies the loyalty and fidelity we owe to our prince of Peace.
  • Second, the frankincense symbolizes our prayers to the Lord our worship of him in our homes and in the Church.
  • Third, the myrrh represents the gift or our sufferings, our forgiveness and sorrow when we share in Jesus’ passion.

However, what if our coffers are empty because we haven’t been very faithful, or prayerful, or patient in suffering and not changing our hearts? Then we still have Jesus Christ to offer as our gift to the Father.

In the prayer over the Gifts we ask the Father: In mercy, Lord, our God, look upon the oblation of your Church. No longer do we offer gold frankincense and myrrh, gifts of earth; rather we sacrifice and receive Him Who is the gift of heaven. In other words, though we might be poor in good works, Jesus Christ will enrich us with Himself in the EUCHARIST. Though we may be destitute as far as devotion is concerned, Jesus Christ will supply what we lack.

My brothers and sisters in Christ,

We cannot be discouraged to approach our Heavenly Father. He doesn’t expect us to bring computers or other gifts like that. He wants our hearts to love him and to love our neighbor. He is interested in our prayers and in our problems. The Father does not care where or how far we came from. He wants to send us on our daily journey like the three Kings – overjoyed at having found his Son, Jesus Christ. Christ who ultimately is and will be our savior at the end of our times. Amen.

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