Holy Week and Reverence

During March as we continue in this year of Reverence we are called to focus on Holy Week. We pray that you will experience a Reverent Holy Week

a7bd6afb62d04241b9fa29289351ca2bWe are about to embark yet again on a beautiful journey where we are blessed through the sacred Liturgy of the Church to share in the Salvific events of the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us not take these opportunities for granted but rather embrace them with gratitude and respect. Make the time for Jesus as He will become present to His people though the beautiful Liturgies of Holy Week.

Palm Sunday with the blessing of palms and procession recalls the triumphal entry of our Jesus into Jerusalem. We rejoice as we receive the palms but know how quickly the hymns and shouts of Hosanna change to crucify him as this year the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Luke will be proclaimed during the Holy Mass of Palm Sunday.

Clergy and Faithful of our dioceses will be gathering around their Bishop for the majestic Chrism Mass – where the Holy Oils used throughout the dioceses are blessed by the Bishop and the priests renew their vows of service to Christ and His Holy Church.

Holy Thursday begins the Paschal Triduum and celebrates the Last Supper during which our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist – giving us His presence in His Sacred Body and Precious Blood that we receive. We also experience the Mandatum – with the solemn washing of feet reminding us that we are to follow the example of Jesus and are not here to be served but to serve. The Liturgy concludes with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, the vespers of Holy Thursday and the stripping of the Altars.

On Good Friday the Church gathers to remember the death of our Lord Jesus Christ upon the Cross on the hill of Calvary. We read the passion according to St. John, adore the Cross upon which hung the Savior of the world and receive His presence in the Eucharist during the Liturgy of the Presanctified. We are called to spend time in reverent prayer at the symbolic grave of our Lord and in the presence of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the blessed Sacrament.

On Holy Saturday the Church blesses fire, water and the Paschal Candle (the symbol of the Risen Savior – Christ as the light of the world) – the exhortations are read instructing the faithful and an Easter Vigil Mass may be celebrated. The is a beautiful moment for baptisms of people entering the Christian Faith.

We then gather on Easter morning for Resurrection Mass and procession – celebrating Christ’s glorious Resurrection from the dead. Proclaiming that Christ is Risen – He is risen indeed – Alleluia! Alleluia!

May we approach these sacred Liturgies of the Church with great reverence and solemnness. We have a wonderful opportunity over these next days to share with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the events of salvation. Take advantage of the opportunity we have and approach these beautiful Liturgies of the Church with reverence, respect and allow them to draw us closer to Jesus and our brothers and sisters in the faith.

Have a blessed Holy Week commemoration.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

PNCC Supreme Council Future Direction Committee

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