Reflection for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – 2012

My dear brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Every time we go to the Church we have to ask ourselves “Why are we here today? What are we looking for?” I believe we are here because of our desire to answer God’s calling.

During today’s First Reading from the First Book of Samuel, we heard that the Lord God called Samuel. Samuel believed that Eli was calling him. Three times after hearing a call, he went to Eli and asked him what he wanted. Each time, Eli told Samuel that he had not called him. After three times Eli realizes that it was the Lord God who was calling Samuel.

Samuel answered his calling from God. He learned the Words of God, from inspirations of the Holy Spirit, and also from the teachings of Eli. Samuel valued those words! He memorized the laws of God, His commandments. He kept them in his heart. He answered God’s calling by his faith and life. The life of Samuel is a living example to each and every one of us. As Samuel grew in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord, we too are called to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord.

In the Reading from the Holy Gospel of John, we once more recognize God’s calling. It is revealed to us by the actions of the two disciples of John the Baptist who followed Jesus. For it is Jesus that we must follow in order to be saved. He is the Lamb of God, the perfect human sacrifice for the redemption of ours sins. Jesus is our Rabbi, our Teacher. He shows us the way, the truth and the life.

From the Gospel Reading, we also learned how Peter came to follow Jesus. His call came through Andrew who was God’s instrument of grace to call Peter.

My dear brothers and sisters, in the Scripture for today’s Sunday there is a spiritual lesson for us to learn. If we allow our hearts to remain in harmony with the grace of God, His Spirit will enlighten our intellect so we will be able to obediently walk in living faith alongside Jesus Christ.

We are called to be like Samuel, ready to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us through the words of the Holy Scriptures, through priests and parents, through the Church, songs at Liturgy, and through our lives of holiness and acts of charity. Let us then pray that we listen to God’s call in its many forms and are willing to respond to that call as did Samuel long ago, Andrew and John and so many others in our time – people who always live according to God’s Commandments.

This is the Good News of our call and response today!

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