Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time – A

Welcome to today’s celebration of the Holy Mass on the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Why are we gathered here today?

It is because we are spiritually hungry for the Word of God; because we are spiritually hungry for Jesus’ Body and Blood in Holy Communion and His Teaching.

My Dear brothers and sisters

During today’s First Reading from the Book of Ezekiel, we learned that those who turn away from their wickedness by doing what is right, they will be saved. At the same time, those who were previously saved and who have turned away from their righteousness to commit sins, they will die for it. This is a very powerful message.

During today’s Second Reading, we heard that when we are of one mind, having the same love as Christ, there is encouragement in Christ. We find consolation during our tribulations. We share in the Spirit. We have compassion and sympathy for others. Our joy is complete in Christ.

During today’s reading from the Gospel of Matthew, we heard Jesus tell the story of the man who had two sons. The father asked one of his sons to go and work in the vineyard. His son said that he would not go but he changed his mind and he went. The second son said that he would go but he did not go. This holy reading from the Scriptures echoes the first reading. Some turn away from their righteousness to do evil while some turn from their evil ways to do righteousness.

The son who promised to go and work in the vineyard, but he did not go, he broke his promise. He was no different then God’s chosen people of the Old Testament who broke the Old Covenant. He was no different then the people within the Church today who break the new Covenant of God by turnings away from His righteous ways. He was no different then many Christians today who calling themselves Christian, but they have no relationship with God at all.

Jesus asked, “Which of the two did the will of his father?” Naturally, we all know that it is the one who obeyed. My friends we have to be men and women whose word is a good as a contract. Always we have to be righteous people, better Christians and put lot of effort to learn about the Will of God and His true Church. We have to literally take the Word of God.

My brothers and sisters, this week, let us take the time to reflect on all what has been mentioned. Let us ask ourselves, “Am I in complete obedience to the Will of God?”

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