Reflection for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – C

My dear sisters and brothers we are called to serve God by our baptism. Many of Christians were baptized as infants and they don’t remember their baptism. Others were baptized as children, old enough to remember their baptism but perhaps not old enough really to make a choice! And some people became Christians as adults. All of us, me and you, who were baptized are called to fallow Jesus and serve God and people every day of our life. After our baptism God is calling us to follow Him; the Lord Jesus invites us to be with Him and Holy Spirit gives us strength to walk with the Lord.

Many times, we do not recognize that God calling us. Sometimes we dislike that the Lord is calling us. Like those in today’s Gospel from Saint Luke, we sometimes find different reasons not to go together with our Lord when we are invited. In today’s Gospel one the men which was calling by Jesus said- “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” And another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home.” Sometimes we reject this invitation. Many times we are choosing our own way.

Our Lord tells us stories like those in today’s Gospel because He knows our weaknesses even better than we do. We are given the witness of the Old Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, Saints, because we always need encouragement. Saint Paul is always reminding us how to follow God.

My dear brothers and sisters,

After our Baptism and confirmation we are called to serve God and one another through love. We are invited to continue to trust in the Lord, no matter how many times we fail. We are invited to walk with the Lord, no matter how many times we have turned down His invitation. We are invited to renew our good intentions, no matter how many times we have had good intentions and have done nothing.

My dear Brothers and sisters,

Jesus Christ came into our world to save us, bring us salvation, open the gate for everyone to heaven, not to condemn us. Jesus Christ calls us to believe in Him and gives us the power of the Holy Spirit in our weakness, gives us grace and power for spiritually growing in our daily life and being true disciples. May the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of our Lord Jesus draw us to the Father and give us strength this day to take one small step toward the Lord. Come, Lord Jesus Christ and help us in our weakness.

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