Reflection for 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – B

Jimmy was about ten years old. A gang of teen-agers gave him a lot of trouble: they pushed him off the sidewalk, tripped him in the school yard, and even stole his lunch. For fear they would give him even more trouble ore even beat him up. Jimmy did not tell that to anybody.

One day this gang got especially rough. Jimmy couldn’t stand that any more and said: “I’m going to tell my big brother on you.” They laugh, and replied: “bring him and he will get from us as well”

Several days later the gang saw Jimmy coming down the street, and with him was six-footer dressed in an army uniform brother John. Suddenly John demanded: “OK you little punks give him the money you took.” They emptied their pockets and then promised to get the rest of the stolen money.

This Story came to mind when I prepared today’s Homily; when I read today’s Gospel. In Today’s Gospel Jesus describes Himself at the final judgment: “They will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory.”

Usually the thought of the last judgment gives us fear. However, we should think in a very positive way of that last judgment. To us who try to serve the Lord, it should give a great hope and joyful expectation, something like the hope in the heart of Jimmy that his big brother would straighten things out.

For us who try to follow Christ, the thought of the last judgment should be a joyful happy one. That is the theme of the words we pray right after Our Father of this Mass:

“In your mercy keep us free from sin
and protect us from all anxiety
as we wait IN JOYFUL HOPE
for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

And then and the people respond aloud: “For the kingdom, the POWER, and the GLORY are yours, now and for ever.”

In the Eucharistic prayer we use expression: “Ready to greet Him when He comes again.” In that same prayer, in the remembrance of the dead that we use during funerals we declare the certainty of faith: “Christ will raise our mortal bodies and make them like His in GLORY…. We hope to share in your GLORY when every tear shall be wiped away.”

Yes, we look forward to the coming of our Big Brother, Jesus. Who truly is powerful and glorious, and loving without limits to His little brothers and sisters, you and me. True, He will be fearsome to those who knowingly despise and ignore Him, who persecute His little brothers and sisters, His followers, But He will be powerful and glorious to those of us who try to praise, honor and follow Him.

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