Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter – 2009

As Jesus joins the larger group of the disciples, He again shares a meal. But before He shares the meal, Jesus calls his disciples’ attention to the detail of his physical presence. He is not a ghost! Jesus knows that the disciples must understand that the Risen Jesus is the Jesus who was once with them throughout his ministry. That He is the same Jesus who suffered, died, and now is truly risen!

And we can see that Jesus is doing everything that Humans can comprehend, that he is alive. He walks with them, He eats with them. Through the Apostles, we know that Jesus is risen. Through all the actions of Jesus, through all the testimony of his disciples, we know that Jesus is present amongst us.

Jesus is present in this Tabernacle. Jesus is present during and after the words of consecrations on this Altar. IT IS NOT A Symbol as some suggest. It is true God. Do you believe it? Do you believe that Jesus is present behind the Tabernacle door? Do you believe that you receive True God, our Creator during Communion?

Once upon a time a priest invited a minister from another denomination that did not believe in a true presence of Jesus. The priest just did some renovation in the church and wanted to show that to that minister. So the priest gives a tour inside the church. When they came to the Tabernacle, the priest said: “here is our Lord Jesus Christ in his true presence”. The minister looked at the priest and asked? Father, do you really believe that God is behind this door? The priest answered “of course I do believe that God is there”. Then the minister said: “If you truly believe that there is God, not a symbol, but true God, than you should be on your knees, you should not even talk to me at this time, but with God. “

How true, if we truly believe that Jesus is risen, and is behind that door, that Jesus is present on this altar, than we should give more respect.

And how do we show our respect?

By preparing ourselves for receiving Jesus, by partaking during the Holy mass that Jesus instituted during last Supper. By coming to various devotions like May devotions. To adore Him, to be with Him on our knees. He is here, He invites you and me to be with him, to talk to Him, to listen to Him, to dine with Him.

How do we respond to His invitation? Let’s answer that to Jesus with our participation during every mass and during every devotions that we have in our parish, especially during Friday May devotions.

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