Reflection for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – A

In today’s Gospel we see the Pharisees wanted to trap Jesus in very simple way. Should we pay the tax to the Romans or not?

If Jesus would say; pay the tax, then the Pharisees would accuse Him of collaborating with Romans, the enemy. If Jesus would say do not pay the tax, then He would be seen as a rebel, who wants to start some kind of revolution. As a result of this the Pharisees could get Jesus into prison and get rid of Him, from their spiritual and political life.

Jesus answers them: Let them who deal with Caesar, pay Caesar his due. What is of God should be given to God. They are stunned by his wisdom, and they leave because they were worried that they can be exposed even more. And I am sure that we like what Jesus just did to the Pharisees, aren’t we? However let’s not condemn the Pharisees too quickly. Let’s look into our own lives.

Are we always with Jesus? Do we really give to God what we owe Him? Do we give Him our thanks for life, family, for every grace we are given? Do we praise Him with our prayers? Do we show our children how to pray? Do we teach them God’s values in our daily life?, Do we read the Scripture on regular basis so we can more understand our faith? As Citizens of the kingdom of God do we obey God’s commandments, or take them randomly, practicing them in a way which is comfortable to us but not to God?

If your answer is no, then there is another question: Are we really better than those Pharisees?

My brothers and sisters, let’s get serious about our faith. It is not a game of pick and choose. We must show to the whole world that being a true disciple of Jesus Christ is the right choice. In choosing God and God’s values we show our love and concern – our life which is built on true, loving relationships. It really does not matter what the world or Caesar promises us because those promises will not lead to fulfillment, to peace or love. In making choices we must guard against the values and choices we cannot cooperate with, always showing our choice for God as the right choice. Not doing so would put our salvation in jeopardy. Let us choose God above all, giving to God what is God’s.

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