Reflection for 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – A

We just heard in Gospel the apostles were going to the other shore to pray. Suddenly those experienced fishermen got frightened by a storm. They lived through many storms, and yet this one truly scared them. But there is more, they panic when they see Jesus walking on the water.

Jesus tries to calm them down saying: “It is I, do not be afraid.”

And again Peter, the one who always had to say something, “Lord, if it is you command me to come to you on the water.”

Can you imagine how strong his faith had to be to step out of the boat? And yet Peter did step out of the boat and started to walk on the water. But very quickly Peter lost that confidence and faith.

His Faith and courage fail him and he starts to sink.

Jesus quickly answers his prayer. Jesus comes to Peter’s aid but at the same time Jesus rebukes him for his lack of faith. Christ presence brings peace in disciple’s hearts.

When we are confronted with stress and pressure of various kinds we are very much like Peter. From very strong faithful believers we become almost non believers. A sudden turn of events in life and we are faced with storms which threaten the peace and security of our families and homes. At such moments our faith fails and we need to hear those encouraging words of Christ: “Do not be afraid.”

Life is journey and we need the help of Christ to guide us to our destination.

Peter’s mistake was that he turned to Jesus in real prayer only in a moment of crisis, when he was in fear.

There is a lesson for all of us who tend to forget about God when all is going well and who only become serious abut prayer when problems come to our lives. And yet Christ wants us not only during those times.

Christ wants us during our happy times as well. He wants both our praises and begging.

We can see that the Gospel highlights the importance of faith and prayer during our daily lives, not only on Sundays, not only of our times that we are in need, but on daily basis.

So, let’s not be afraid to have faith in Jesus, and let’s not be afraid to pray to him not only during our time of trial but during our happiness as well.

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